JALT 2022: Exclusively Teaching in VR: Teacher Perspectives on an 8-Week CLIL Course

This presentation was given by researchers from Kanda University of International Studies: Euan Bonner, Erin Frazer, and Ryan Lege It’s an extremely interesting study because it looked at how two teachers adopted and struggled with using VR in CLIL longitudinally. They aimed to address the gap in the literature which was full of one-off studies and learner perspectives.

They used the Immerse platform for this study.

I am looking forward to reading their paper which will be out in the CALICO Journal in February, 2023 .

I think a critical factor in the success of a VR-based learning intervention with teachers with little to no exposure to the technology is the abundant supply of technical support. It would be nice to read more about that in the future.

Erin, Euan, and Ryan